Monday 25 April 2011

Oscar says...

...its a bank holiday...

...and its too hot to work...


jenj said...

Embarrassingly, I had to read up on what constitutes a bank holiday (I know, I know... Americans). Wow, there used to be 33 of them! I want to work in a world where there are 33 holidays in a year instead of just four or five. Oscar is apparently content with whatever holidays he can get!

cptrayes said...

And is that Andy agreeing with him :-) ??


Nic Barker said...

Jen - I like the idea of more holidays, but lets be realistic - you don't get any when you work with horses anyway :-)

C - yes of course - far too hot today, we are all wanting rain now(!) Perverse I know.... (No giggling you Texans in the back row...)

cptrayes said...

We have three water sources and two are already dry. We are pumping water from a spring fed trough in the yard. We need rain!!